I told my grandfather I would buy him a boat when I grew up. I’m close to being grown up but not very close to buying a boat. That's why I'm here.
As a designer-turned-copywriter, a creative leader, and a former Ben and Jerry's Scooper, with more than 12 years of advertising experience, I've helped build brands from scratch and give established brands new life.
I've maintained long-term client relationships and won quick-sprint pitches. I've had countless bad ideas (and will surely have countless more). But you can always count on my ability to uncover, deliver, or enhance the good ones.
If you want big ideas, sharp copy, and charismatic leadership—or know anyone getting rid of a boat—please reach me at [email protected] or find me on LinkedIn.
Associate Creative Director
April 2022 - Present
Associate Creative Director
November 2019 - April 2022
Associate Creative Director, Sr. Copywriter, Copywriter
September 2014 - October 2019